29 September 2010


picture taken from here
“Pandhu Adjisurya itu bukan orang yang egois”

Apa hubungannya kalimat itu sama filosofi bola?

Suatu ketika, saya mengalami pembicaraan serius dengan pacar saya di sebuah tempat makan. Berawal dari malam sebelumnya, ketika saya bilang sama dia: “kamu sekarang berubah. Jadi lebih egois”. Dan akhirnya di hari berikutnya, secara panjang lebar kami terlibat dalam pembicaraan yang serius. A quality time.

Saat saya sedang makan mie doggy kesukaan saya dan autis dengan BB saya, tiba-tiba pacar saya bilang: “kamu tahu filosofi sepakbola?” dan saya menggeleng. Lalu dia mulai bercerita.

“Dalam permainan sepakbola, ada 11 orang. Kamu tau gawang dan lapangan kan? Nah. Gawang dibikin kecil kan, gak sepadan sama gede lapangan. Tapi tetep lebih gede daripada orang-orangnya. Anggep aja lapangan itu dunia, bumi. Dan gawang itu adalah tujuan hidup kamu. Makanya di sepakbola masukin bola ke gawang disebut goal kan? Karena memang itulah tujuan hidup yang bakal kamu capai. Gede gawang lebih gede daripada gede orang, karena kesempatan itu ada buat kamu. Tapi bukan berarti kamu bakal mudah ngegolin, ada halangan lain. Karena kamu gak bekerja sendiri. Kamu punya tim, orang-orang yang membantu kamu buat sukses. Kamu tau Christiano Ronaldo kan? Ganteng, pemain bola terbaik di dunia. Tapi belakangan ini dia udah gak bisa ngegolin lagi. Kenapa? Karena dia egois. Dia maunya giring bola sendiri, ngegolin sendiri. Padahal tanpa dia sadari, semakin kuat dan hebat dia, semakin banyak yang mengincar gerakan dia. Sama kayak kita, semakin besar nama kita, semakin besar anginnya”.

“Lah trus? Apa hubungannya sama aku?”

“Aku mau ngasih tau kalau setiap orang punya tujuan hidup. Misalnya saja kamu, kamu punya goal buat nyelesaiin proposal KKL mu, ambil scholarship keluar negeri. Aku yakin kamu bisa banget buat dapetin itu. Tapi ada batasan-batasan lain kan yang mengatur semua itu? Misalnya saja batasan waktu scholarshipnya. Nah sama aja kan. Tiap orang punya tujuan hidup, tapi untuk mencapai tujuan hidup itu, ada jalannya yang gak mungkin mulus. Cuma kita yang tahu gimana caranya buat mencapai goal yang kita inginkan tadi. Nah kayak kemarin kamu bilang aku egois, jam 9 udah balik dan segala macem. Karena aku lagi jalan buat meraih goalku itu. Sekarang kenapa sih? Aku pulang buat nerusin sinopsis buat Film Fiksimini. Karena aku lagi berjalan buat meraih goalku. Itu yang harus kamu pahami. Yang kamu butuhkan Cuma kesabaran, keyakinan, dan kepercayaan. Kita punya mimpi, suatu saat bakal menikah. Dan aku yakin ketika udah mencapai goalku, 7 atau 8 tahun lagi kita bisa punya rumah di Bali. Yang kamu butuhin cuma kesabaran..”

“Tapi aku sama sih sama kebanyakan orang lain. Susah buat percaya kalo gak lihat bukti nyatanya, kalo gak liat pake mata kepala sendiri..”

“Nah itu yang harus dirubah. Kepercayaan itu harus bareng sama keyakinan dan kesabaran. Aku yakin kok aku bisa mencapai goalku. Aku tahu jalan apa aja yang harus aku tempuh dan aku yakin bakal berhasil. Kamu tinggal sabar aja.. Apa? Mau bilang aku sombong? Pandhu Adjisurya bukan egois. Kalo aku egois, dari dulu kesempatan yang dikasih ke aku, kayak workshop Kinoki, udah aku ambil semua buat aku sendiri. Tapi aku kasih ke Kine, soalnya mereka yang bakal lebih lama buat ngurus organisasi ini, aku udah mau lulus. Dan ya memang, karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga. Gara-gara Sangsaka gagal, aku kehilangan kepercayaan.”


“Sekarang kamu udah ngerti ka jalan pikiranku? Jadi tolong jangan anggap aku egois lagi. Aku bertindak seperti ini karena aku tau aku memang harus bertindak seperti ini, aku tahu jalanku”

Saya Cuma bisa diem. Gila. Berawal dari filosofi sepak bola yang dia kasih ke saya (setelah baca timelinenya mas Fajar Nugros), saya juga jadi ngrasa ketampar. Saya sadar gak kenal sama pacar saya sejauh ini. But damn, i have to say that he had a best passion. And i proud of that. A simple personal with a rich kowledge and way to reach his dream.

Saya menyadari, filosofi sepak bola ini mungkin bisa membantu kalian juga untuk mencapai tujuan hidup kalian. Bukan bermaksud menggurui, tapi ketika filosofi sepakbola ini benar-benar direnungkan, motivasinya sangat luar biasa buat hidup kita.

So, just read and save it on your brain memory. It works a lot! Thanks to my bf anyway. Keyakinan, kepercayaan, dan kesabaran. I’ll keep it on my mind. Always.

21 September 2010

Play Around With My Hair

I have an experience with my hair.
I put some old newspaper and make it as a curlying things.

Just an experience.
And, it's pretty did! But, i mean, not a lot. Hehehe..

So, this is the newspaper.

I entwined the newsaper and then entwined it to my hair like this.

Dont be too wide on entwined it. Just small, side by side on your hair.
Keep it for 30 minutes and then put it off.
And looks what happened with my hair!

a little bit curlier, but maybe i need to learn again, to make it more curlier!

Ps: this is an unimportant blogpost you know! But you have to try this at home fellas :D

Feels I'm in Somewhere and I Don't Wanna Go Home

Yesterday i went to J.Co with my bf.
We order 2 doughnuts, an iced lemon tea, an iced coffee latte, and J.Cool with kiwi topping.


We stay close there for 2 hours. 
We didn't speak a lot.
We are busy with our own mobile phone.

I saw some tourists.
One from Japan.
One from nowhere, i mean i dont know.
Maybe America, Russia, or whatever.
One by one they come and go.
Just me and my bf that real Indonesian peoples.
And some peoples that you can count with your finger.

I feels like i'm in somewhere.
To see the tourist speak with English, Japanese, and their language.
I want to go there someday.

Ps: don't lose your ideas, quickly write them down! (similar with my blog name, right?hehe..)

They Are My Truly Hero!

Well, everybody has a hero. Uhm, maybe more than a hero. They have hundred heroes.
Especially in Indonesia, i think that a hero is not a hero that struggle to take Indonesia from Japanese or Netherland, but everybody could be a hero.
And today, i just visited Thomas Aquinas Campus to buy some meals there, and this is what i saw:

Yes, of course! Mr. delivery! I saw a man with Supra-X motorcycle in front of this campus in a very hot hot day. He wear a yellow SNI helmet, a blue-and-yellow parachute jacket, and a small bag (maybe for payment). And guess what, he looks so tired and his body is full of sweat. 
Wow, i just think that he is a real hero. Peoples who wanna eat, in a hot hot day or in a wet rainy day, just need to make a call and ask for a delivery. And the mister delivery? He must be face the hot or rainy day just to make sure they did a best service for the customers. What a life!
So, they are supposed to called a hero for us! :D

18 September 2010

Hujan itu Kamu

picture taken from ukhtiyfillah.wordpress.com

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada romansa indah.
Karena seringkali adegan film romantis berlatarkan hujan.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada tetesan air matamu.
Karena tetes air hujan mengalir deras seperti air matamu saat itu.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada masa kecil.
Karena waktu kecil saya kerap bermandikan hujan.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada alam.
Karena hujan selalu turun membasahi daun, tanah, dan bumi.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada awan yang putih.
Karena hujan muncul dari awan kelabu, karena saya mengharap awan yang putih.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada mesin cuci.
Karena hujan memaksa saya untuk mencuci baju saya yang basah.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada kemiskinan.
Karena saya selalu kasihan pada mereka yang tidak punya rumah.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan saya pada mata yang terbuka.
Karena hujan membuka mata saya akan banyak hal.

Hujan. Selalu mengingatkan aku pada kamu.
Karena kamu membuka mata saya, seperti hujan.

Tulisan di kala hujan.
19.13, 18 september 2010.

Indonesian Movies = Awesome!! or Rubbish??

I mean, not all Indonesian movies. Only several of it.

Wednesday 15th of September. I just come back to Jogja after a long holiday of Eid Mubarak. Well, it means, that was the first day i'll meet my friends and of course my bf. Well, many plans of us on that day. Especially to watch Darah Garuda (by Yadi Sugandi) and Sang Pencerah (by Hanung Bramantyo).

After arrived to Jogja, i met my bf on a train station and finally go to Ambarrukmo Plaza (Amplaz). Well, the basement is totally empty, no one there in parking lot (except the employer of course). And with a smiling face, we used lift to bring us to 4th floor where the cinema exist. And guess what! We can't smile again. Because we saw peoples stand in line until the entrance door. Gosh!! And here it is. Me and my bf just keep stand in line.
look at this crowd!

And suddenly a woman come to us and she ask us to buy him Sammy's Adventure ticket for her and her son. Okay, we agree. And guess what, she gives us 30.000 rupiahs for stand in line for her! wohoo how lucky we are :D

And, we've got it! Sang Pencerah and Darah Garuda tickets. First we watch Darah Garuda on 13.10 and then Sang Pencerah on next theater on 15.20. And the two films are totally awesome! International quality and i bet you'll regret for not watching it.

First, about Darah Garuda. Actually this is a sequel from Merah Putih, an Indonesian epic film. Epic. One thing about it. First i watched Merah Putih a long long time ago, and now, i thought that Darah Garuda just so much better than its prequel. From the cinematography and casts, it just awesome. The improvisation of its casts and the way Yadi bring the audience so much better than Merah Putih. And now, the most impressive things of this film is that ALL AUDIENCES from my theater, just flow away with the story, scream and give applause in the end of this movie, where Dayan (Rifnu Wikana) saved by the bell! Hehehe. I just cant stop to admiring Yadi Sugandi to produce this movie.
Yadi Sugandi (director of Darah Garuda)
And then, Sang Pencerah. Actually i'm not a Muslim. But i totally want to see this film! Yes, of course. And give applause to Hanung Bramantyo! Well, maybe this film just give me a historical story about Muhammadiyah. A.w.e.s.o.me. No other words. Hanung a little bit in hurry to bring the tempo, but it doesnt matter. This film give you a knowledge about religion much better than experiences. And also with a little bit sense of humor, the audiences can learn something about Islam especially. And two thumbs up for Hanung!
Hanung Bramantyo and Zaskia Adya Mecca, his wife

Well, nothing much to say about Indonesian movie. Just watch, sit back and relax! 

Ps: i don't suggest you to watch horror-sex Indonesian movie. It is just totally a RUBBISH.

13 September 2010

Everybody Loves Pomeranian! :D

The Pomeranian (often known as a Pom, or more humorously, Pom Pom) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type, named for the Pomerania region in Central Europe (today part of easternGermany and northern Poland). Pomeranians are typically a very friendly and lively breed of dog. They love to be around their owners and are known to be protective of them as well. (source:wikipedia.com)

Pomeranian has a flurry body. I mean, a beautiful flurry body, especially around her head and tail. And i love this.
this is the pomeranian puppy
this is a brown pome
this is a black-and-brown pome
this is a white pome, so cool right? ;)
Well, i just kinda love this type of dog, i often call them pome, and i'm very glad to ever known NINO, a kinda cute brown pome, maybe if you see Nino, you just cant stop saying "unyuuu sekaliii" :))
Well, i love Nino so much. I got him from a petshop and just cant stop admiring him. I named him NINO just for no reason. And i played with him everyday. So cute and i just love him.
I give him milk and pedigree everyday, even i sleep with him! :))
this is nino  :D
I just cant stop love this dog. I always love to play with him, and i just so excited to get one of this type of dog. Maybe someday i could buy one more! Yeay :D

11 September 2010


from Andya on Facebook
Happy ied all!
Well, sangat menyenangkan bagi umat Islam untuk berada di saat-saat lebaran gini, apalagi setelah berpuasa selama 1 bulan. Sangat menyenangkan untuk bisa merayakan lebaran dan bermaaf-maafan :)
Saya sendiri sebenernya Katholik. Tapi nenek saya Islam. Jadi lebaran memang selalu dirayakan tiap tahun di keluarga kami. Kumpul seluruh keluarga, banyak makanan, dan tentu saja salam tempel. Hehehe..

Sayangnya lebaran kali ini keluarga kami cukup sepi. Maklum kondisi nenek udah gak memungkinkan buat duduk, masak, dan ketawa-ketiwi bareng. nenek sakit dan harus bedrest. But, itu tidak menyurutkan niat kami sekeluarga untuk merayakan lebaran.

Tiap lebaran biasanya anak-anak pada dateng kerumah buat nyari salam tempel. Dan tebak, mama beli puluhan kotak dus susu buat mereka, bendera dan milkuat. You can see it? Ini hanya yang dipajang di meja tamu. Di dapur, phew, banyak sekali..
Kalo makanan yg saya suka banget, makanan yg ada cengkeh-cengkehnya gitu (lupa namanya) sama coklat! 
ini kue kesukaan :D

a box full of chocolates!

Dan tahun ini ada 2 bayi baru, anaknya Mas Eko, sama anaknya Mba Wiwik. I love them all, especially Neta. Here she is!
Though i could be a mom soon ahaha. Happy ied all :D

So Close.

image taken from my.allwomenstalk.com

I think everyones here have a relationship.
With their family, customers, bf, gf, or others. Being in a relationship is easy, but to keep it, its not as easy as build it. Well, i have an experiences in keeping a relationship with my bf. Yeah, we've almost been 7 months and i thought that it was so hard to keep this relationship.

i quite talk a lot but i think i need to explain what i've been talking about in twitter this morning. My followers asking about my relationship with my bf after i posted some tweets about him. Yeah, if you follow my blog, you must be ever read my blogpost which is titled "Pertemuan dengan Pandhu Adjisurya". Yap, that was the name of my bf. And you know, i dont really ready to have a relationship wit him in the beginning.

Me, and him, is quite alright. We are keeping send text messages each other. But i think, there is something inside that could make us break up. I dont know, maybe it just my fault. I cant explain this but im still being haunted by his past. I knew, now he loves me a lot. I just cant accept his past yet.

To accept his past is not an easy way. I try and try a lot but i cant yet. I ever think to ended my relationship with him, but i thought that was a silly way out. So i keep my relationship and try harder to accept it. Six months, and im very sure that he is fully mine. But, you know, like theres something wrong with me. Esp me. Im still cannot accept his past yet. Oh my. I wanna cry. And i can do nothing. He is feeling disappointed, and so do i.

So, i try to keep it on my mind but i cant handle it and just post in on twitter to find a better way out. Many of my followers just give me a suggestion: try to keep it, and brave to face it. Well, thats quite a better suggestion. I just wanna be better for my bf so i try to make him happy, anytime i can.

However i try to do my best to forget your past, but you have to know that i believe on you and still heart you like yesterday. Sorry for this inconvenience, baby. Heart you. I just wanna be so close with you. From now on and later. Thanks for being mine :) Heart and xoxo.

08 September 2010

Beach and Tanned

Shirt: Polo; Short: Paul Frank; Sandals: Nevada
What do you think about beach?
Well, a beautiful blue water, beatiful sands, beautiful sea creatures maybe, beautiful bikini (for men) lol..
Well, i have some beautiful memories about beach. I was a type of pople that rarely go to beach. Maybe you could call me a nerd. Haha. But i think i just hate the sunny of the sunshine there.
I have an experience in Bali (again), at NusaDua Beach (or where? i totally forgot) that have a water blow inside it. I played in the beach for 20 minutes and spent my time in waterblow for 10 minutes only (because i forgot to apply my sunblock. And look at that pictures, that was my clothes. A shirt a short and a sandals. Bang! Guess what! i've got my skin tanned there. Oh my. I could say, for peoples that comes from Europe, US, or UK, maybe they're very happy to get their skin tanned. But for me, an Asian people, an Indonesian people, i just feel.. so bad to got my skin tanned.
Like a disaster, my skin becomes a dark complexion only in 30 minutes. And what a.. damn. I put my jacket on and go back to the car. After arrived in hotel, i put scrub on it but it's still tanned. Oh my. So i never use short anymore to go to beach, and for that reason, i hate to go to the beach. Haha
How about you? :)


Shirt: Rotten Tees; Pants: D'squared Thailand; Flip-flop: Demochist; Bag: Flea Bags

How do you feel when you're alone in a nowhere land full of pines tree? I just could say, excited! :D
This picture is taken in Bali, Bedugul exactly, when i was in a holiday with my family. It's been a long time ago but i think i couldn't found a beautiful place like this anywhere.

Well, this is just an analogy, i mean, a very simple analogy, to express a freedom. Not only a freedom, also a very simple freedom. Yeah, simple. I think everyone already knew that they need to use their freedom to colour their life.

I thought that everybody agree that freedom could be used wisefully, in a boundaries we made. We make that and we use it in that. I dont really care how many peoples that could manage their freedom, but as i know, there were so many peoples that cant express their freedom. Maybe because of political reasons, lifestyle reasons, or something else.

I do love a freedom, and i need to wisefully use it in our daily life. Be free! :D